Assessment of security for costs

Assessment of security for costs

Service Description

Assessment of security for costs following the determination by court that one of the parties to a case must provide security usually a foreigner or a plaintiff company or other litigants determined as liable to pay security. Security for costs is provided to secure costs for the party entitled to the costs.

How do I obtain this service?

You apply for the service as soon as practicable after the court has determined that security must be furnished.

How do I apply for the service?

You file a notice of set down to the Registrar after obtaining a date of assessment for the determination of the costs.

Cost involved in obtaining the service.

You require P20 for filing a notice under this service.

Where can I get more information?

The Registrar's Office

Private Bag F13
Tel: (+267) 2412125
Fax: (+267) 2416378

The Registrar's Office

Private Bag 00220
Tel: (+267) 3718000
Fax: (+267) 3915119

The Registrar's Office

Private Bag 001
Tel: (+267) 5338000
Fax: (+267) 5332317

The Registrar's Office

Private Bag 00220
Tel: (+267) 3718000
Fax: (+267) 3915119
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